• 2022年6月26日
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Graphic Designer Agreement in India: Key Provisions to Consider

Graphic design has become an essential part of almost every business, and graphic designers play a significant role in creating visual representations that help companies promote their products or services. Therefore, it`s vital for graphic designers to have a clear and detailed agreement with clients to avoid misunderstandings and protect their legal rights. In this article, we`ll discuss the key provisions to consider when drafting a graphic designer agreement in India.

Scope of Work

The agreement should contain a clear and detailed description of the scope of work, including the services the graphic designer will provide, the timelines, and the deliverables. The designer should also define their role in any revisions or alterations made to the final product, particularly if the client decides to modify the project beyond the initial specifications.

Ownership and Use of Work

It is essential to define the ownership and use rights of the created artwork. Generally, the designer retains ownership of the original artwork and grants the client an exclusive or non-exclusive license to use the final work. The agreement should outline how the client can use the artwork, including limitations on how it can be re-used, altered, or distributed, and the client should obtain permission before using the designer`s work in any other manner than specified in the agreement.


Compensation is a fundamental aspect of the agreement, and the terms should be laid out in detail, including the fee structure and payment schedule. The designer should also specify whether they will require a deposit or when payment is due. Typical fee structures for graphic designers include billing hourly, by project, or using a flat rate. It is also essential to include language regarding late payment penalties or fees.

Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure

Graphic designers often work on projects that contain confidential information or trade secrets. Therefore, the agreement should include a confidentiality and non-disclosure provision that outlines the requirements for keeping the project confidential. The designer should agree to keep the project confidential and only share it with authorized personnel. Both parties should agree to keep each other`s confidential information protected and only use it for the purposes of the project.

Termination and Cancellation

The agreement should also outline the terms for termination or cancellation of the project. It should specify how much notice is required and whether there are any penalties or fees for ending the project prematurely. The agreement should also contain language regarding the ownership of the work in progress and payment for work completed up to the point of termination.


A graphic designer agreement is a critical document that protects both the client and designer`s legal rights and defines the parameters of the project. In India, it is particularly essential to have language that complies with the Indian Contract Act, 1872, and other relevant laws and regulations. By including the above provisions in their agreements, graphic designers can ensure that they are protected and compensated fairly for their work.